Current Event 12/6/2013

The article I am reading is about negotiations on a farm bill. So far, they have gotten some great progress done on the bill. Progress like the Senate moving the gap on SNAP funding, with a change in a so-called “heat-and-eat” practice.

It looks like the people who are involved in this would be the, USDA/Government. From what I have read about this article, I would agree with what they are doing and I am happy that they are getting some progress done. Some things about this that will affect the future would be on an expense situation. Affecting both the funding for SNAP, and the price change on fuel.

EasyBib Citation:

Meyer, Bob. “Some Progress in Farm Bill Negotiations.” Brownfield. Brownfield, 5 Dec. 2013. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.

Leadership Blog Post

Having service for others demonstrates your character by showing that your character is helpful.

When serving other it shows that you like to help people and you are willing to help people  so they can learn.

The role I play is trying to be the guy who is around to help people whenever they need it.

Well, it may change my opinion about them a little, but to me, it shows that are still helpful and willing to help. No matter how much complaining they do.

Kristen’s Garden: Weekly Blog Prompt

The thing that inspired Kristen to take action was the experience with her brother.

If she had been discouraged, she may have not accomplished making her program spread throughout the country.

The leadership qualities that I think she showed: confidence and determination

A time in my life where there was a problem and I took action to solve it: The time in Washington when my father sat down in his computer chair, leaned back to far, and fell over. I was seven years old at the time, so I went to my mother outside and told her what happened. She then came inside the house and helped my dad off the floor. My father was a little disabled at the time, so that is why I needed my mother’s help.

Current Event 2: Demand Harvest Delays Support Soybeans

This article talks about some problems with the production of not only soybeans, but also about corn, wheat, etc. It also talks about how the percentage on how plants are doing this year compared to last year.  I cannot find anyone who is for it or against it.

Some potential outcomes or consequences, for the future, would be the prices for corn and soybeans would probably increase, but it seems that wheat would decrease. Why the corn and Soybeans would increase is because the soybeans were higher on technical and commercial buying. The corn would increase because it was modestly higher on technical buying and spillover from beans. The wheat would decrease due to it being lower on profit taking and technical selling. In my opinion, this increase and decrease in food will probably affect some people on a global scale.


Perkins, John. “Demand, Harvest Delays Support Soybeans.” Brownfield. N.p., 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. © Copyright 2013 Brownfield, All rights Reserved. Written For: Brownfield

Above Average

I would say that one of my traits would be being kind. Another one would be that I like to communicate with others, and the third one would be being patient.

The way I can share my kindness trait, would be to be helpful to others. Like to open a door when somebody has their hands full of items, and to help someone with a specific job that takes more than one person to do. Another way to show my kindness, is to maybe compliment people on how they look (Nice compliments that is).

The way I can share my communication trait, or strength, would be to talk to someone. Maybe talk to someone about something they are concerned with, or even sharing information such as: how your day is going, anything exciting happen yesterday, etc.). I could also use communication when working with a team.

My patients can help people by me calming down during normal or emergency situations. It can also help people by showing that I am in no hurry. Which will help them by not rushing things.

Current Event: Wheat up, watching world weather

The issue, with what I found, is that rain in Ukraine and Russia continues to delay planting and there are also concerns about damage in Argentina from a recent freeze.  I can not find anyone who is for it or against it.

Some of the potential outcomes or consequences right now, would be the delayed planting and the damage concerns in Argentina. Some future outcomes, in my opinion, is that it will probably get worse in the future, but that depends on what the weather is like. Also, due to the delay and damage that was mentioned, this could affect the pricing and production of wheat for the global economy.  But for now, they should find a way to prevent anymore damage from happening right now.


Perkins, John. “Wheat up, watching, world weather.” 2 October 2013. Brownfeild Ag news for America. News. 3 October 2013. Copyright 2013 Brownfield, All rights Reserved. Written For: Brownfield

Most Valuable Life Lesson and How I learned From It

There was a certain time in my life that I have learned from. It started a couple of years ago in January during my sophomore year of high school. My brother Lewus, my next door neighbor Kirk, and I were playing a new game that my brother and I got for Christmas. The game was called, “Rock Band 3.” The game puts your game characters that you created on a stage, and the stage has all sorts of things on it. Including strobe lights, stage lights, cameras, etc.

So one night after playing for a very long time on Rock Band 3, when my neighbor Kirk went home, my brother and I went upstairs to go to sleep. In the middle of the night he heard something in my room. He came in and it was me making that sound, but not on purpose. I went to the hospital the next day, though ambulance, they ran some tests and found out that I had a migraine headache.

My mistake was playing the game for an incredibly long time. If I took some breaks from time to time in that situation I would not have had that migraine headache. So from that moment on, I have been careful with any of video game breaks. I usually take a forty-five minute break from time to time now.

Strength Finder

An achiever would be summarized as some one who gets things done and cannot say no. Some actions are:

1. As an achiever, you relish the feeling of being busy, yet you also need to know when you are “done.” Attach timelines and measurement goals so that effort leads to defined progress and tangible outcomes.

I can use this by using a calendar and marking down all of my timelines and goals to help my progress.

2. Partner with other hard workers. Share your goals with them so they can help you to get more done.

I can use this by working with people who share the same qualities and achievements as me.

3. Select jobs that allow you to have the leeway to work as hard as you want and in which you are encouraged to measure your own productivity. You will feel challenged and alive in these environments.

I can use this by taking jobs that I can go my own pace at.

For My Strategies for working with other people. Would be to:

1. Establish a relationship with a person by working alongside him.

2. To Recognize that this person likes to be busy.

3. To ask questions such as, How late did you work on this, or When did you com in this morning? He will appreciate this kind of attention.

Communication would be summarized as a person who likes to speak in front of people and likes to get their attention.  Actions are:

1. Keep getting smarter with all the words you use. They are a critical currency. Spend them wisely, and monitor their impact.

I can do this by looking over words I already know in the dictionary and finding out more of a meaning to those words.

2. Start a collection of stories or phrases that resonate with you. Practice telling these stories or saying these words out loud, by yourself. Listen to yourself actually saying the words. Refine.

I can do this by reviewing over all my stories that work with me and practice them to make them better.

3. Practice. Improvisation has a certain appeal, but in general, an audience will respond best to a presenter who knows where he or she is headed. Counter intuitively, the more prepared you are, the more natural your improvisations will appear.

What I can do with this action, is practice frequently. So that I can improve my skills within this strength.

For working with people that have my strength:

1.  Take the time to hear about this person’s life and experiences. She will enjoy telling you, and you will enjoy listening. And your relationship will be closer because of it.

2. Discuss plans for your organization’s social events with this person. She is likely to have good ideas both for entertainment and for what should be communicated at the event.

3. This person finds it easy to carry on a conversation. Ask her to come to social gatherings, dinners, or any events where you want to entertain prospects or customers.

Developer would be summarized as someone who helps helps other people gain experience. Actions are:

1. Notice when others succeed, and tell them. Be specific about what you saw. Your detail observations of what led to their victory will enhance their growth.

I can do this by paying attention to others whenever they are doing something that they are trying to be good at.

2. Seek roles in which your primary responsibilities include facilitating growth. Teaching, coaching, or managing roles might prove especially satisfying for you.

I am guessing that a good way to do this is to help out anyone who seems like they need a coach(for an event I can do that is).  That, or assist someone with something that requires some good training.

3. Don’t over-invest in losing causes. Your natural inclination to see the best in people and situations can create a blind spot that will keep you from moving on to more opportune situations.

I can do this by not staying back in the past for mistakes that I can improve. That way I can move on to better opportunities.

For working with people that have my strength:

1. Reinforce this person’s self-concept as someone who encourages people to stretch and to excel. For example, tell him, “They would never have broken the record by themselves. Your encouragement and confidence gave them the spark they needed.”

2. Look to this person when it is time to recognize your coworkers. He will enjoy selecting the achievements that deserve praise, and his colleagues on the receiving end will know that the praise is genuine.

3. Ask this person to help you grow in your job. He is likely to pick up small increments of progress that others miss.

The way to describe empathy is that you see the world through other people’s eyes. You are also able to sense and feel their emotions as if they were your own. Actions are:

1. Identify a friend who has strong Empathy talents, and check your observations with him or her.

I can do this by finding someone who has empathy, and compare observations with one another.

2. Help your friends and colleagues be more aware when one of your peers is having a difficult time. Remember, most people do not have your ability to pick up on sensitive situations.

I can do this by identifying someone who is having some troubles and tell people about the situation.

3.Partner with someone with strong Command or Activator talents. This person will help you take needed action, even through people’s feelings might suffer as a result.

I can accomplish this action by finding someone with has a great talent in order to help me take action for another person.

For working with people that have my strength:

1. Ask this person to help you understand how certain people in your organizations are feeling. He is sensitive to the emotions of others.

2. Before securing this person’s commitment to a particular course of action, ask him how he feels and how other people feel about the issues involved. For him, emotions are as real as other more practical factors and must be weighed when making decisions.

3. When employees or customers have difficulty understanding why an action is necessary, ask this person for help. He may be able to sense what they are missing.

The way to describe includer is someone who likes to include many and a lot of people into his or her group. Includers also like to avoid groups that exclude other people from their groups. Actions are:

1. Look for opportunities to brings together people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. You can be a leader in this area.

I can do this by finding people that are from different places and include them when the opportunity is at hand.

2. Partner with someone who has dominant Activator or Command talents. This person can help you when you have to deliver news that might hurt someone’s feelings.

I can do this by partnering up with someone who has Activator or command talents and he can help me with things as well as me helping him or her.

3. Acknowledge the dissonance you feel when you must be the bearer of bad new. Look for partners who can help you justify your position so you don’t apologize or soften the message too much.

I can do this by finding people who can assist me in breaking news. So that when I tell the news I do not over do it.

For working with people who have m strength:

1. When you have group functions, ask this person to help ensure that everyone is included.He will work hard to see that no individual or group is overlooked.

2. Ask this person to help you think about potential customers, markets, or opportunities you are not reaching today.

3. If you are not a “natural” in social settings, stay close to an Includer. He will make sure you are a part of the conversation.

First post of 2013

I have some school goals for my senior year. My first goal is to start looking for scholarships for my college that I am going to. I will be getting scholarships by getting some help from anybody who can help me find and apply for them. The second, is to be successful with my grades and do well on all my tests. Some of the teachers in my school are pretty good at helping me with that. My third goal, is to make sure I do not forget a single thing at my house when coming to school. I figured I would make a list and check off everything I gathered up.

I also have some personal goals for myself. The first goal is to make sure I do not get too stressed out whenever I think about college, my future life, and many other things. So whenever I am feeling some stress, I will think positive and relax a little bit from time to time. My second goal is to spend some time with some of my family members, because usually I am doing something that takes too much time out of my day. I will start finishing some things in advance so that I will free myself up for family time. My third personal goal is to try to save some of my funds for the future. So, most of the time, I will start leaving my wallet money at home and leave huge amounts of money in my savings account.