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Most Valuable Life Lesson and How I learned From It

There was a certain time in my life that I have learned from. It started a couple of years ago in January during my sophomore year of high school. My brother Lewus, my next door neighbor Kirk, and I were playing a new game that my brother and I got for Christmas. The game was called, “Rock Band 3.” The game puts your game characters that you created on a stage, and the stage has all sorts of things on it. Including strobe lights, stage lights, cameras, etc.

So one night after playing for a very long time on Rock Band 3, when my neighbor Kirk went home, my brother and I went upstairs to go to sleep. In the middle of the night he heard something in my room. He came in and it was me making that sound, but not on purpose. I went to the hospital the next day, though ambulance, they ran some tests and found out that I had a migraine headache.

My mistake was playing the game for an incredibly long time. If I took some breaks from time to time in that situation I would not have had that migraine headache. So from that moment on, I have been careful with any of video game breaks. I usually take a forty-five minute break from time to time now.

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